Saturday, December 28, 2019

Grauballe Man (Denmark) - European Iron Age Bog Body

The Grauballe Man is the name of an extremely well-preserved Iron Age bog body, the 2200-year-old body of a man pulled from a peat bog in central Jutland, Denmark in 1952. The body was found at depths of more than one meter (3.5 feet) of peat. The Story of Grauballe Man Grauballe Man was determined to have been about 30 years old when he died. Physical inspection indicated that although his body was in near-perfect preservation, he had been brutally murdered or sacrificed. His throat had been cut from behind so deeply that it nearly beheaded him. His skull was bludgeoned and his leg was broken. Grauballe mans body was among the earliest of objects dated by the newly invented radiocarbon dating method. After his discovery was announced, his body displayed in public and several photographs of him published in newspapers, a woman came forward and claimed that she recognized him as a peat worker she had known as a child who had disappeared on his way home from a local pub. Hair samples from the man returned conventional c14 dates between 2240-2245 RCYBP. Recent AMS radiocarbon dates (2008) returned calibrated ranges between 400-200 cal BC. Preservation Methods Initially, Grauballe man was investigated by Danish archaeologist Peter V. Glob at the National Museum of Denmark at Copenhagen. Bog bodies had been found in Denmark beginning in the first half of the 19th century. The most striking characteristic of bog bodies is their preservation, which can be close to or surpass the best of ancient mummification practices. Scientists and museum directors tried all sorts of techniques to maintain that preservation, beginning with air or oven drying. Glob had the Grauballe mans body treated to a process similar to tanning animal hides. The body was kept for 18 months in a mixture of 1/3 fresh oak, 2/3 oak bark plus a .2% of Toxinol as a disinfectant. Over that period, the concentration of Toxinol was increased and monitored. After the 18 months, the body was immersed in a bath of 10% Turkish-red oil in distilled water to avoid shrinkage. New bog body discoveries in the 21st century are kept in wet peat in refrigerated storage at 4 degrees celsius. What Scholars Have Learned Grauballe Mans stomach was removed at some point during the process, but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) investigations in 2008 discovered plant grains in the vicinity of where his stomach had been. Those grains are now interpreted as remnants of what likely was his last meal. The grains indicate that Grauballe man ate a type of gruel made from a combination of cereals and weeds, including rye (Secale cereale), knotweed (Polygonum lapathifolium), corn spurrey (Spergula arvensis), flax (Linum usitatissimum) and gold of pleasure (Camelina sativa). Post-Excavation Studies The Irish Nobel Prize-winning poet Seamus Heaney often wrote poems for and about bog bodies. The one he wrote in 1999 for Grauballe Man is quite evocative and one of my favorites. As if he had been poured / in tar, he lies / on a pillow of turf / and seems to weep. Be sure to read it yourself for free at the Poetry Foundation. The display of bog bodies has ethical issues discussed in many places in the scientific literature: Gail Hitchens article The Modern Afterlife of the Bog People published in the student archaeology journal The Posthole addresses some of these and discusses Heaney and other modern day artistic uses of bog bodies, specifically but not limited to Grauballe. Today Grauballe mans body is kept in a room at the Moesgaard Museum protected from light and temperature changes. A separate room lays out the details of his history and provides numerous CT-scanned images of his body parts; but Danish archaeologist Nina Nordstrà ¶m reports that the separate room keeping his body seems to her a calm and contemplative reburial. Sources This glossary entry is a part of the Guide to Bog Bodies and part of the Dictionary of Archaeology. Granite G. 2016. Understanding the death and burial of northern European bog bodies. In: Murray CA, editor. Diversity of Sacrifice: Form and Function of Sacrificial Practices in the Ancient World and Beyond. Albany: State University of New York Press. p 211-222.Hitchens G. 2009. The Modern Afterlife of the Bog People. The Post Hole 7:28-30.Karg S. 2012. Oil-rich seeds from prehistoric contexts in southern Scandinavia: Reflections on archaeobotanical records of flax, hemp, gold of pleasure, and corn spurrey. Acta Paleobotanica 52(1):17-24.Lynnerup N. 2010. Medical Imaging of Mummies and Bog Bodies – A Mini-Review. Gerontology 56(5):441-448.Mannering U, Possnert G, Heinemeier J, and Gleba M. 2010. Dating Danish textiles and skins from bog finds by means of 14C AMS. Journal of Archaeological Science 37(2):261-268.Nordstrà ¶m N. 2016. The Immortals: Prehistoric individuals as ideological and therapeutic tools in our time. In: Williams H, and Giles M, editors. Archaeologists and t he Dead: Mortuary Archaeology in Contemporary Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p 204-232.Stà ¸dkilde-Jà ¸rgensen H, Jacobsen NO, Warncke E, and Heinemeier J. 2008. The intestines of a more than 2000 years old peat-bog man: microscopy, magnetic resonance imaging and 14C-dating. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(3):530-534.Villa C, and Lynnerup N. 2012. Hounsfield Units ranges in CT-scans of bog bodies and mummies. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 69(2):127-145.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Culturally Adapted Therapeutic Process - 2013 Words

Great strides have been made in the counseling field to promote multiculturalism, yet it is a complex endeavor and continues to meet challenges in implementation and efficacy. Challenges such as cultural encapsulation, client access to care, implementation of multicultural counseling competencies, and unique issues involved in the practice of counseling a diverse population of clients remains. Research is ongoing to determine the efficacy of culturally adapted treatments in the therapeutic process. Cultural Encapsulation A challenge in implementing culturally sensitive techniques for counselors is recognizing their biased perspectives, assumptions, and worldview. Cultural Encapsulation is the tendency of counselors to view the world†¦show more content†¦Access to Care An additional barrier to multicultural counseling is client access to care. The utilization of mental health services by minority groups is low in the United States (Smith, Domenech Rodriguez, Guillermo, 2011). The fact that minority groups underutilize mental health services is attributed to systemic issues such as lack of affordable transportation, inconvenient office hours, demographic mismatch, language barriers, economics, and lack of clinics in neighborhoods with predominately ethnic minority groups (Smith, Domenech Rodriguez, Guillermo, 2011). To address these issues, multiculturalism in the mental health services field has committed to equipping more culturally competent counselors, encouraging community-based counseling efforts for easier access, increasing bilingual and culturally diverse counselors, as well social advocacy. Despite their recognition, these challenges are difficult to remedy and remain a problem for clients of minority groups. Integration of the Multicultural Counseling Competencies Ongoing efforts to remedy inequities in counseling practices continue. One way is to train multiculturally competent counselors who are aware that a â€Å"one size fits all† approach is not effective for a diverse population of clients (Gerig, 2014). The American Psychological Association created a task force focused on

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Mutual Obligations - Counseling Stages and Principles

Question: Discuss about the Mutual Obligations, Counseling Stages and Principles. Answer: Introduction: Psychoanalytic therapy is a type of mental treatment that is based on the theories laid down by Sigmund Freud. The therapy works to explore the influence of the unconscious mind on the behaviors and thoughts for offering insight for providing therapy resolution to the patient. The early childhood experiences are taken into consideration to investigate if those experiences have an influence on the life of the individual and have contributory effects to the present concerns (Peterfreund, 2016). This is a long term choice of therapy continuing even for years which depends on the exploration of the concern. Deep-seated changes are made on the emotional and personality development as the psychological challenges are assumed to be rooted on to the unconscious mind. This essay will discuss the case of Peter who is experiencing serious and frequent inter-personal conflicts at home and work. Mental health professionals have been unable to resolve his issue and therefore, he will be provided w ith the psychoanalytic therapy and the benefits from the associated modalities will be assessed. The psychoanalytic therapy for Peter will identify the problem areas that have resulted in his interpersonal conflict. The therapy will help him to overcome the hardships that have resulted as a reaction to his past relationships and obstacles (Hall, 2013). It is a common fact that the interpersonal conflicts have resulted from the emotions that were repressed due to the difficult situations. The environment of Peter is held responsible for shaping him into someone as a result of internal conflict. The conflict gets hidden behind his present self that comes out as a negative effect of his experience of the world around him. The treatment process in psychoanalytic therapy has been divided into three stages namely early, middle and late stages. The early or initiation stage will initiate the treatment for Peter where the therapist will get to know him. The danger situations, defensive maneuvers and characterological style that rule his behavior will be learned by the therapist. In this stage, therapeutic alliance is solidified and a rapport is established and Peter will be made aware of the therapy rules that include responsibilities of the therapist and the patient, reporting of dreams and free association (Dreher Sandler, 2013). The initial resistances offered by Peter to the process of treatment will be noted and will be either explored immediately or stored for any future reference. Accordingly, the early transferential responses that are exhibited by the patient will also be stored and noted for using at a futuristic stage when the past experiences of the patient have been better understood and expl ain the present transferential responses (Sanville, 2013). The therapist learns in detail the issues of interpersonal conflicts faced by Peter at home and work for determination of the suitability of the therapy and agreements are made on the mutual obligations, counseling stages and principles. The cause and symptoms are then gradually understood by the therapist. The middle stage marks the pronouncement of the treatment resistance and transference response which becomes a crucial part of the treatment process. Solidification of the working alliance can help Peter to experience the real thoughts and feelings in the present with the observation of the repetitious nature of the previous responses from the past. This stage of the treatment marks the acting through the conflicts which note the past patterns that have been repeated in the present life of Peter including them, whom he meets outside the office of the therapist and the therapist himself (Huber et al., 2013). Here, the memories of Peter are recalled which were distorted previously by the fears and wishes start to become increasingly clear. This will cause Peter to experience the wider choices present in his life as the distortions of the past will not distort his present abilities of decision making. This stage is also known as the transference and consolidation stage wherein Peter wil l transfer his feelings of the past life to the therapist and this will benefit the therapist to better understand his childhood experiences. Here, the therapist will reveal the relationship between the disease and the inner conscious desires or conflicts and provide explanations. This will cause Peter to comprehend and realize and in reaction to this, he might provide continuous resistance that will eventually have good effects to the treatment. The late phase is the termination phase which comprises the final part where the consolidation of the changes occurs with the solidification of the new behaviors. Understanding of the old patterns in the context of Peter's old and memories are made available which have been previously repressed. Interpersonal conflicts, maladaptive behavioral conflicts and conflicts with the therapist in the therapeutic situation are all resolved in this final stage (Summers, 2013). This is the resolution stage where the unconscious desires or conflicts of Peter will be consolidated and the end of treatment time will be declared. Transference might be repeated repeatedly and eventually Peter will become able to resolve his transference by himself. This will mark the end of the therapy. Critiquing the psychoanalytic approach, it can be stated that the psychoanalytic approach is a great contribution by Sigmund Freud that applied the principles of cause and effect in the human behavior. Critiques have observed this approach as a scientific construct rather than considering it as an empirical system that is observable. Constructs are necessary and convenient in dealing with the subject matters that are complicated and the explanatory scheme of Freud followed a traditional trait that looked into the cause of the behavior exhibited by an individual (Summers, 2013). This is psychoanalytic approach is all about as it constitutes a provocative and dramatic picture of psychotherapy, mental illness and personality of the individuals, suffering from external or internal conflicts and trying to survive the aggressive urges. Freud believed that human beings are not rational actors and rather they are driven by the instinctual, primitive and unconscious desires. It is a significa nt method that is being actively used in the field of psychiatry, however, several objections have been surfaced because of its lack of theoretical rigor and methodological rigidity (Vanolo, 2014). It has been pointed out by the modern psychologists that the psychoanalytic approach is excessively relied on the data ambiguities that include free associations and dreams. This Freudian theory fails to initiate the treatment standards and seems weak without empirical evidence. There have been several changes that have occurred over the time in traditional psychoanalysis as the patients now prefer a more interactive counseling experience that is carried out with the therapist. More emphasis is laid on the present problems rather than focusing on the early childhood memories. Since the concepts of psychoanalytical approach are subjective, its scientific testing is difficult (Elliott, 2015). This constitutes the situation of scientifically studying the tripartite personality or the unconscious mind. Therefore, the argument can be raised that empirical investigation of its theories and the psychodynamic perspective is unfalsifiable. A series of hypotheses are involved in the psychodynamic approach where few of them are tested easily compared to others which need more supporting evidence. Although the applied theories are not tested easily, it necessarily does not mean that it lacks strong explanatory powers. Another argument can be put forward in this regard t hat maximum evidence of the psychoanalytic approach has been derived from the case studies of Freud where a single person have been studied in detail which includes the middle-aged women belonging to Vienna (Vinnars, Frydman Dixon Barber, 2013). This aspect makes the generalization of the approach difficult on a wider population. This case study method also raises the issue of bias by the researchers where the case history of the patients is distorted to fit into the theory. The idea has also been identified as too deterministic and leaves little room for free will (Aron, 2013). However, there are few positive aspects of the psychoanalytic approach which explains behavior as it is a complete personality theory. The early childhood experiences and the unconscious mind activity are also emphasized along with the dynamic nature of the behavior. This approach can be of immense use in the psychological treatment of the mental disorders. There are several modalities that can address or overcome the limitations of the psychoanalytic approach. These are the behavior, cognitive, humanistic and holistic therapy that acts as guidelines for the psychologists for understanding their patients and the associated problems and help them to develop the solutions (Levi et al., 2015). The behavior therapy focuses on the role of the learning in the development of abnormal and normal behaviors. The cognitive therapy emphasizes on the process of thinking of the individuals rather than their actions. The humanistic therapy emphasizes on the capacity of the people for making rational choices and helps them to develop their potential to the maximum extent (Piazza-Bonin et al., 2016). Holistic or Integrative therapy helps the therapists to customize their treatment according to the individual needs of the patients and is not restricted to a single policy. Considering the interpersonal conflict of Peter, it can be stated that the modality of cognitive behavioral therapy is the best-suited modality for overcoming the limitations of psychoanalytic therapy, as discussed in the critique of the approach. This therapy is recognized as a psychosocial intervention which is a model of evidence-based practice often used for the treatment of mental disorders (Leichsenring et al., 2013). This therapy is focused on the strategies of personal coping and targets on solving the current problems by changing the undesirable cognitive patterns. It is a combination of cognitive and behavioral psychology. Since Peter is having serious problems of interpersonal conflict at work and home, the problem needs immediate intervention. As the psychoanalytic therapy requires longer term commitment, it might not provide him immediate relief and therefore, is a limitation of the applied therapy that can be overcome by a more structured modality of cognitive behaviora l therapy. Peter has also sought help from different mental health professionals but was of no use and this suggests that he has already made large investments for his treatment. The psychoanalytic approach will further add up to the burden of treatment expenses due to the length of the therapy which can be avoided with cognitive behavioral therapy as it is more affordable since it is shorter in duration. The psychoanalytic approach discusses the personal or childhood history which might be disturbing for Peter whereas cognitive behavioral therapy is more focused on the present rather than investigating the past. With the psychoanalytic approach, the treatment of Peter was based on the theoretical construct of the unconscious mind that was very difficult to prove, however, with the model of cognitive behavioral therapy, strong scientific support can be provided due to its evident effectiveness in several issues (Olatunji et al., 2013). The psychoanalytic approach requires interpretation by the therapist and therefore it lacks objectivity, however, the cognitive behavioral therapy is very much empowering as it follows the process of practical teaching techniques supported by homework which can be applied even after the conclusion of the therapy. Interpersonal conflicts of Peter can be reduced with cognitive behavioral therapy by strictly avoiding the discussion of topics which can provoke conflict. Peter should refrain from getting into arguments that can evoke anger until his therapy completes. If his daily life activities distract him from the important therapy tasks, the efficacy of the therapy might get compromised (Cahn, 2013). Interpersonal conflict is a type of stressor that can be controlled by cognitive behavioral therapy. Therefore, social support has to be provided to Peter during the course of the treatment for reducing or eliminating his interpersonal conflicts. Psychoanalytic therapy focuses on the interactions of the individual in his past so that the therapist can identify it with their present mental status. Peter is suffering from serious interpersonal conflicts which might have connections with his past. Psychoanalytic therapy will outline his thought components and how they affect his relationship with himself and others. Patterns and tendencies in the behavior of Peter will allow the therapist to recognize the reason for his interpersonal conflicts and will assess the damaging perceptions. This therapy will help Peter to act accordingly and make healthy decisions without going through the phase of anxiety as depression and anxiety often result from the interactions of the past. References Aron, L. (2013).A meeting of minds: Mutuality in psychoanalysis(Vol. 4). Routledge. Cahn, D. D. (2013).Conflict in personal relationships. Routledge. Dreher, A. U., Sandler, J. (2013).What do psychoanalysts want?: the problem of aims in psychoanalytic therapy(Vol. 24). Routledge. Elliott, A. (2015).Psychoanalytic theory: An introduction. Palgrave MacMillan. Hall, H. K. (Ed.). (2013).Psychoanalytic therapy and behavior therapy: is integration possible?. Springer Science Business Media. Huber, D., Henrich, G., Clarkin, J., Klug, G. (2013). Psychoanalytic versus psychodynamic therapy for depression: a three-year follow-up study.Psychiatry: Interpersonal Biological Processes,76(2), 132-149. Leichsenring, F., Salzer, S., Beutel, M. E., Herpertz, S., Hiller, W., Hoyer, J., ... Ritter, V. (2013). Psychodynamic therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy in social anxiety disorder: a multicenter randomized controlled trial.American Journal of Psychiatry. Levi, O., Bar?Haim, Y., Kreiss, Y., Fruchter, E. (2015). CognitiveBehavioural Therapy and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Combat?Related Post?Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Comparative Effectiveness Study.Clinical psychology psychotherapy. Olatunji, B. O., Davis, M. L., Powers, M. B., Smits, J. A. (2013). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a meta-analysis of treatment outcome and moderators.Journal of psychiatric research,47(1), 33-41. Peterfreund, E. (2016). The process of psychoanalytic therapy: Models and strategies. Piazza-Bonin, E., Neimeyer, R. A., Alves, D., Smigelsky, M. (2016). Innovative Moments in Humanistic Therapy II: Analysis of Change Processes Across the Course of Three Cases of Grief Therapy.Journal of Constructivist Psychology,29(3), 298-317. Sanville, J. B. (2013).The playground of psychoanalytic therapy. Routledge. Summers, F. (2013).Self creation: Psychoanalytic therapy and the art of the possible. Routledge. Summers, F. (2013).Transcending the self: An object relations model of psychoanalytic therapy. Routledge. Vanolo, A. (2014). Locating the couch: an autobiographical analysis of the multiple spatialities of psychoanalytic therapy.Social Cultural Geography,15(4), 368-384. Vinnars, B., Frydman Dixon, S., Barber, J. P. (2013). Pragmatic Psychodynamic PsychotherapyBridging Contemporary Psychoanalytic Clinical Practice and Evidence-Based Psychodynamic Practice.Psychoanalytic Inquiry,33(6), 567-583.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Art History Essay On Newgrange Example For Students

Art History Essay On Newgrange Christian art began. Prior to a large amount of Christians they may have been one of the best producing durable works Of art. Although Christianity was largely a religion Of the less fortunate in this time period (Backbite,john,2nd Eden. 1979), and because of that there is a lack of surviving art due to the lack of funds for patronage. Even though they had a lack of fund, they still made great work. Early Christian practiced their religions in secret, and will make perfect catacombs under Rome to bury their dead and then to practice their religion. Which in earliest times included baptism and readings from early text. This became the catechism, the art of catacombs is to celebrate a birth of a hero who teaches in mortal terms. The concepts of the protector healer, teacher and miracle maker are all based on the catechism. The Roman paganism, they worship of traditional gods natural spirits and emperors fail to satisfy peoples search for a meaningful satisfaction of metaphysical needs Or guide to an ethical life. According to an article by David Belch Some of the Traditional Roman state religion fails to satisfy intellectual or motional needs Of lower class paganism, in example: Image Of Caesar as god, becomes satirical, deteriorating social values and economic opportunity, at time Of great wealth to the privileged is demoralizing, Separation Of people from the mystical experience and No ethical or moral teachings as examples (Belch, David L, 2008, Mohr Sickbed). The early Christian didnt not deliberately copy the Isaac group for one of their most sacred themes, or that they made direct use of symbolism which was connected in their minds with what they thought was worshiping the devil but in reality their art was influenced and allowed themselves to be inspired by a form of representation with which many of them were familiar _ In Rome the link which bound Christian vivid pagan art is painting and not sculptures. All the earliest discovery of the catacombs is through the medium of frescoes; sculptured relief did not come into vogue until a later time. As it was shown in the book paganism and Christianity these arts were freely inspired by pagan motives; but on this subject there were two main schools of opinion: (a) the apologist for a purely Christian art who maintain that the resemblance to pagan anthropometry art is superficial and that we have here the seeds of an entirely new art which was eventually to revolutionize the world, and (b) those who see in the figures of the good shepherd, the prophets, virgins and martyrs, nothing but purely pagan 143), In Egypt however it is far more difficult to trace the connecting link. Probably Earliest Christian design is those worked in purple into the numerous specimens Of cloth from Sarnia. Again the decoration Of coffins and funerary furniture, Which played a huge part in Egyptian art, may very well have been the stepping stone by which pagan homeboys was transferred to Christian decoration. The strange part is terra-cotta the medium employed for the representation of numerous pagan deities, seems to have been forgotten by the early Christians of Egypt, but also one important exception to this appears in the figure of the good shepherd, Early Christian artists were thoughtful of biblical prohibitions against images, and were shy to represent Christ and Saints directly. At the same time, the look and power of didactic religious images was recognized, especially if they involved pagan and Jewish iconography. According to research Roman style was adapted to the new faith, but it may have proven incompatible with Christian subject matter: Classical art expressed the physical and the here- and-now; Christian art concerned itself with the spiritual and the hereafter (Pearson, 2010). Christian art gradually moved away from the naturalism, illusionist, solid Objects and flesh-and- blood figures of Classical art, for Christian artists did not care to extend our empirical world, but rather hoped to create otherworldly realms. In conclusion the Christian art had many influence in such as pagan inspired homes. .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 , .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 .postImageUrl , .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 , .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7:hover , .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7:visited , .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7:active { border:0!important; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7:active , .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7 .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud32b1ac42c49e8d9d9d2f783074a5cb7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alcohol abuse EssayThey wasnt the anywhere near wealthy but that did not matter because there work was really good, if the pagans had more money a lot of their art work would still be around because they would had enough money to buy quality supply. The art would back in the early Christian stage was a lot of recycled stuff; they would see some work of somebody else and flip it around and make it their own. The Christian was always skeptical of doing art work with the devil in it because they were afraid that they would be worshiping the devil did art work on Sources 1. Beck-with, John, Early Christian and Byzantine Art, Penguin History of Art (now Yale), 2nd Eden. 1979 2. Belch, David L, Roman Domestic Art camp; Early House Churches (Weightliftings Understructure rum ENUM Testament Series), 2008, Mohr Sickbed 3. The book paganism and Christianity in Egypt- Page 143 4. Love,Larry. , the early Christians Pearson (2010) Aaron Wheeler Annotated Bibliography Backbite, John, Early Christian and Byzantine Art, Penguin History Of art Backbite helped me understand and write about how the Christian had some of the best work but they didnt have the right resources.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Business Intelligence and Decision Making

Introduction Business Intelligence (BI) is an umbrella term used for various mechanisms that provide solutions to various business problems (Whitehorn 1999, p. 11). According to Marr (2012, p. 1), the term Business Intelligence refer to tools that are utilized to support the decision making process in organizations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Business Intelligence and Decision Making specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Typically, the use of BI tools simplifies the decision making process and greatly improves performance as the decision making process is speeded up and business concerns are addressed much faster. Although the term Business Intelligence is frequently used to denote application software used to analyze a business enterprise’s data, it is rather elaborate (Marr 2012, p. 1). This paper presents a discussion on two Business Intelligence tools. One is by International Business Machines (IBM) wh ile the other one is a product of SAS. As can be seen from figure 1, Business Intelligence includes a number of components. Figure 1: Components of Business Intelligence From the figure, it can be seen that a BI tool must be able to support data gathering, analysis, and storage. In addition, the BI tool must provide access to business data. With the help of Business Intelligence tools, business enterprises are able to solve a whole range of problems that afflict those who use data within an organization. IBM’s Business Intelligence Software One of the most powerful Business Intelligence tools offered by IBM is Visual Warehouse. Among other things, this BI tool makes it possible for users to create, manage, and automate a data ware house. A data ware house is an off line copy of an operational database, usually held on a totally separate machine.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF L earn More Off line in this case implies that people are no longer adding to, and altering the data. To a large extent, the tool simplifies the work of dealing with complex queries that require a large proportion of the records. It is also possible to customize data in order to meet specific needs. Another major advantage of Visual Warehouse has to do with the fact that it can enable a business enterprise to optimize the structure of its database to suit its customized business requirements. Despite the fact that the optimization exercise can take a variety of forms, it might as well involve reducing the detail in the stored data. For example, rather than storing all the details of every sale made over the last five years, a business enterprise may choose to store only the weekly totals for each product. Another key feature of the Visual Warehouse is that it does not restrict the user to a single source of data. It facilitates the use of data from disparate databases. Visual Wareho use provides the user with all the tools required to set up and maintain the data warehouse. Further more, it provides all sorts of additional features that make automating and controlling the data warehouse easier. Using SAS Strategically According to Aanderud and Hall (2012, p. 3), SAS Business Intelligence solution makes it possible for users manipulate and analyze data in a very simplified manner. Using the tools available through SAS, users can access any kind of information for almost any business needs without having to go through so much trouble. The power of SAS Business Intelligence is in reducing the data gatekeeper’s role in the business so that each person can freely interact with analytic results. Ordinarily, SAS Business Intelligence makes it possible for business enterprises to address issues at different levels of the organization. Essentially, there are three broad groups of SAS Business Intelligence clients. One group includes the tools required to create r eports. The second group allows users to view the reports, and the final group offers the ability to address data management and administration needs. Typically, organizations grant each user community access to one of these groups. SAS reporting tools include SAS Enterprise Guide, Add-in for Microsoft, Web Report Studio, and SAS Stored Processes. Viewing tools are SAS Business Intelligence Dash Board, and Information Delivery Portal. Finally, SAS administration tools include SAS Information Map Studio, OLAP Cube Studio, and SAS Management Console.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Business Intelligence and Decision Making specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Similarities and Differences between IBM and SAS Business Intelligence Solutions As can be deduced from the preceding discussion, both the IBM and SAS Business Intelligence solutions have a variety of benefits to offer to business enterprises. Both have the capab ility to simplify the complex process of data management and analysis. With the help of these Business Intelligence solutions, therefore, business enterprises have a great opportunity to improve efficiency and general business performance (Shmueli et al. 2011). However, each of these Business Intelligence solutions has a number of distinguishing characteristics. One of the joys of IBM’s Business Intelligence software is that it is very adaptable and highly scalable. One feature that helps to provide this adaptability is that the various components making up Visual Warehouse can be installed in a multitude of different places. One can, for example, Visual warehouse itself on one machine, the actual data contained in the data warehouse on another and he or she can sit at yet a third machine driving the whole system over a network. The level of adaptability associated with Visual Warehouse guarantees users with a very flexible solution. Even though SAS is structurally complex, b usiness users of SAS Business Intelligence, only require a basic understanding of the system’s architecture to operate. When compared to IBM’s Business Intelligence software, SAS appears to be more superior and offers a great number of features that make data management and manipulation quite simple. Conclusion Clearly, a number of benefits can be realized by incorporating Business Intelligence solutions within a business enterprise’s operations. Among other benefits, there is improved transaction efficiency, ability to integrate internal operations in order to have a seamless operation, back office process automation, transaction status visibility, and reduced information sharing costs. The primary motivation for the acquisition of a Business Intelligence solution is better control over more efficient day to day business operations (Williams Williams 2007). As has been discussed in this paper, Business Intelligence solutions provide a business enterprise with an opportunity to improve business operations and offer excellent services to clients (Rud 2009, p. 24). However, it is important to note that business value of any Business Intelligence solution lies in its use within management processes that affect operational processes that drive revenue or reduce costs.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is also worthwhile noting that the benefits that accrue from the use of Business Intelligence solutions are directly linked to the way such solution s are aligned with a business enterprise’s operations. Without properly aligning Business Intelligence solutions to business operations, the benefits of using BI solutions may be outweighed by the drawbacks. Reference List Aanderud, T Hall, A 2012, Building Business Intelligence Using SAS: Content Development Examples, SAS Institute, Cary, NC. Marr, B 2012, What is Business Intelligence (BI)?, Rud, OP 2009, Business Intelligence Success Factors: Tools for Aligning Your Business in the Global Economy, John Wiley Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. Shmueli, G, Patel, NR, Bruce, PC 2011, Data Mining for Business Intelligence: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in Microsoft Office Excel with XLMiner, John Wiley Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. Whitehorn, M 1999, Business Intelligence: The IBM Solu tion, Springer, Bromyard, UK. Williams, S, Williams, N 2007, The Profit Impact of Business Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann, Oxford, UK. This essay on Business Intelligence and Decision Making was written and submitted by user Cuthbert to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Children of a Lesser God essays

Children of a Lesser God essays The movie Children of a Lesser God can be best described as a love story that deals with barriers in basic communication. It is a story based on a play about a talented teacher for the deaf named James, who forms an interest in a deaf employee named Sarah, who works for the same school. His job is to help deaf children learn how to speak, so he feels he can help Sarah to do the same. Initially, James runs into problems with her because she doesnt have an interest in learning how to speak and she admits to him that she doesnt know how to read lips. James takes this as a challenge and begins to lure Sarah to him by coincidentally bumping into her from time to time. Once he draws Sarah in by taking her to dinner and communicating with her quite often, they realize that theyve fallen in love. The conflict in the movie is that James unwittingly tries time and time again to get Sarah to speak and learn to read lips and she basically wants him to step into her world of silence. Near the end of the movie we see as James explodes and finally tells her that hes tired of trying to reach out to her all of the time and doesnt understand whats holding her back. Her response is equally explosive as she explains her sentiments about the issue. After some time they experience separated, James and Sarah reunite in the end to resume the love that they share for each other. In the communication context, there are a few characteristics of communication that are dealt with in this movie. The obvious barrier of communication between the deaf and the hearing, relationship conflict, and the use of nonverbal communication, are all aspects in communication that are touched upon in this movie. First, the main subject of the movie obviously is how James a hearing instructor tries to communicate not only with his hearing-impaired students, but the woman that he eventually falls in love with, Sarah. This may...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Supreme court justices- controversial case Essay

Supreme court justices- controversial case - Essay Example Most commonly, the separation of church and state applies to autonomous maintenance of both secularity and religious exercise. In recent news, Chief Justice Samuel Alito has repeatedly proven himself unfit for the position he has thus far occupied. As per a specific chain of events that led to his forced resignation, I have taken over his position on the Supreme Court. As most are aware, the former Chief Justice Samuel Alito maintained constant sway toward the conservative right, often tying up verdicts due to his obvious religious views and allegiance to the republican party. Alito was nominated to fill the position once occupied by Sandra Day O’Conner, by President George W. Bush on October 31, 2005. He has maintained a consistent record of conservative rulings since that time including cases such as C.H. versus Olivia et al and the case of ACLU versus Schundler. Both of the afore mentioned cases were ruled in favor of religion versus separation of church and state. Generally, conservative rulings are rulings that are in favor of the government or the large corporations as opposed to liberal ruling s which focus on civil rights and the ruling in favor of the individual or smaller organization. As per the resignation of Chief Justice Alito, I have been appointed by the new President of the United States, Barack Obama. Just recently, a case has come before me which revisits the notion of separation of church and state. This case is known as Smith-Jones vs. the state of Pennsylvania. In this case, Jack Smith and Larry Jones have joined in matrimony under the authority of a Buddhist religious leader via a private ceremony. However, the existing laws do not favor same sex marriages when it comes to filing taxes (or anything else for that matter). The dilemma faced by Mr. Smith-Jones and Mr. Smith Jones is that when it became time to file taxes, the Smith-Jones couple was not able to file as

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Using Collaboration Tools to Market Products PowerPoint Presentation

Using Collaboration Tools to Market Products - PowerPoint Presentation Example This is especially in the beauty industry where this study focuses to come up with an effective collaboration tool for a jewelry store. Collaboration tool product advocated in this presentation is â€Å"Yammer†, which will not only aid in serving clients as necessitated but also manage jewelry store’s human resource (Nash, 2011). There are numerous collaborations tools, which corporations can use and attain their respective goals. However, in ascertaining collaboration tool that will work appropriately for a given corporation it entails meticulous research coupled with considering its respective goals. This is because the need to have an effective collaboration tool is to aid a given Corporation to attain its targets with ease. Some of the probable web-based collaboration tools for a jewelry store include, Compared to other collaborative tools, Yammer emerges as the best option for jewelry store. This is because of its varied and essential features essential for reaching large pool of clients. It also enables effective management of human resource. Some of its essential functionalities include, Yammer 2.0 version will enable Jewelry Store Heads to have direct conversations with their clients as well as interacting with employees (Markowitz, 2011). Hence, make it easy for its respective departments handle clientele’s complaints and suggestions with immediate thus improve their services. Technical department will set Yammer 2.0 and other recently incorporated versions such that varied departmental sections are in constant contact with each other, hence share information internally (Nash, 2011). Internal interaction with the aid of Yammer aims at improving social networking such that there is no wastage of both resources and time, which employees use while holding meetings (Sumner, 2011). Therefore, Jewelry store will be posting internal and urgent information to its employees who in turn will try to give their sentiments

Monday, November 18, 2019

Pscychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pscychology - Essay Example To become an effective student we need to use good memory skills like "making an effort to remember the things learnt, controlling the form and subject matter, strengthening neural connection" and "allowing time to solidify pathways" We must firstly be interested in what we are learning. A student should select important topics and categorize them into groups. It is an effective tool for one to read aloud while learning and simultaneously visualize and associate ones thoughts and ideas with the subject matter. Finally consolidate the work by reviewing the matter that that has been already learned. The key components of the training program for improving work group communications would be basically education, based on motivation of the participants. It would include workshops to build participant’s knowledge, kindle their curiosity and bring out their ideas and feelings into the open. It would also include role plays with a lot of fun and discussions that follow a positive attitude. â€Å"Classical conditioning† is a technique used in behavioral training where a natural occurring stimulus is paired with a response. Cognitive social learning is when a response is first established and then gradually strengthened. Operant conditioning builds an association between behavior and the consequence. Therefore man cannot work or do anything by himself without having either a motivation or a consequence that he works towards using either prejudice or discriminative behavior.   Intelligence is a "very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience". A number of theories have come forward in the twentieth century regarding intelligence, Howard Gardners Theory Of Multiple Intelligence has eight different components to measure

Friday, November 15, 2019

Life and Debt Documentary: Summary and Analysis

Life and Debt Documentary: Summary and Analysis Life and Debt Film Write The tourist who comes to Jamaica focuses on the beauty of the island. Jamaica is the island where Antiguans suffer and want to escape. However, the natives are too poor to escape the island. Antiguans try their best to satisfy the tourists. The natives envy the tourists because the tourists have the ability to leave their boredom and turn Jamaica into a pleasurable vacation. Stephanie Black, the filmmaker of Life and Debt, is attempting to demonstrate that the tourist, through Jamaica Kincaids description, witnesses the beauty of the island while being oblivious from the harsher realities of the natives. The major themes that Kincaid addresses include the influence of homeland on identity, culture, and the desire for independence. The first themes that will be argued are the perspectives of the tourists, the natives, and the omnipotents view on Jamaica. The first concept that will be argued is the tourists perspective on the natives. In the tourists perspective, they stereotype natives as being relaxed, laid back people, without realizing that natives are working hard to satisfy the tourists. In the tourists perspective on Jamaica, they are fond by the beauty of the island and the continuing sunshine. The continuing sunshine in Jamaica represents a lack of rainfall. This lack of rainfall is a lack of fresh water. This lack of fresh water for the natives does not interest the tourists because the beauty and the sunshine of the island is all that really matters to them. Tourists who swim in the sea have no clue the amount of waste that they create. Also, the tourists do not notice that the food that they are eating is from Miami. The second concept that will be argued is the natives perspective on the tourists. When the tourists arrive in Jamaica, natives automatically label them as being a tourist. In the natives perspective, a tourist is an ugly human being because they do not look, eat, or speak the same way as the natives do. The natives view the tourists as people who make use of poor people for their own satisfaction. The natives must work hard in order to prove pleasure for the tourists. The natives are living in poor conditions wishing that they can be the tourists, because tourists have the ability to leave their boredom and come to a place such as Jamaica to relax. However, in Jamaica, getting off the island is not as easy for the natives then it is for the tourists who are visiting the island. The third concept that will be argued is the omnipotents perspective on Jamaica. The US and European countries may not have authority over Jamaica, but they push their influence and instigate their authority within Jamaica. The United States of America and European countries took advantage of the Jamaicans by creating a trade system in order to earn extra money for themselves. This, in turn, jeopardizes businessmen and farmers in Jamaica because it is harder for them to compete with the US and Europe. Jamaicans are manipulated by the IMF, WB, and WTO. The US and European countries have power over Jamaica because the tourists commodify and exploit the natives by still treating them as slaves. Tourists do not recognize that the natives history, culture, and religion and what Jamaica is all about. All that the tourists care about is their vacation time to relax and be treated as royalty. This is similar to the way they were treated before their independence. The history of Antigua includes Britain controlling the Antiguans. The old Antigua includes many racist moments and slavery work for the Antiguans. The Antiguans speak the same language as Britain. Since English is the Britains language, it is also the Antiguans language. The Antiguans did not have any independence until the time of the Earthquake. When post-colonial happened in 1974, the Antiguans went to the church and thanked a God, a British God. Even though the Antiguans got their freedom and independence, they still had to speak the language of those who enslaved them. Also, the Antiguans had to follow the Britain religion because they have been adapted to this religion. In conclusion, these perspectives have been linked together to prove that tourists are lacking conscious awareness of how the natives live their lives. This type of agency relates to the book â€Å"A Small Place† by Jamaica Kincaid because the Government is also taking advantage of his power of Jamaica. He is taking advantage of his power by delaying the reconstruction of the library because he has, in his perspective, his own priorities to deal with. The library is a symbol of education and culture for the Antiguans. The library can only be re-built if the Antiguans have money to provide for it. The rich people of the Mill Reef Club would help if the old library was re-built. The Government is not doing what is right for the Antiguans. There has been a corruption of the Government because there have been many abuses of power in Jamaica. The funds have been wrongly placed. Drug smuggling is an issue in Jamaica. Also, there has been a misappropriation of political violence. In conclusion, â€Å"Life and Debt† shows the ignorance of tourists who travel to Jamaica for their own enjoyment and satisfaction. Stephanie Black, the filmmaker of Life and Debt, is attempting to demonstrate that the tourist, through Jamaica Kincaids description, witnesses beauty of the island while being oblivious from the harsher realities of the natives. The major themes that Kincaid addresses include the influence of homeland on identity, culture, and the desire for independence. The lives of the natives have no interest to the tourists because the tourists come to enjoy the beauty of the island. In the natives perspective, they view tourists as ugly human beings because tourists are oblivious to how the natives live their lives. The Government is abusing his powers by wrongly placing funds. The United States of America and Europeans took advantage of the Jamaicans by creating a trade system in order to earn extra money for themselves. The Government is also taking advan tage of his power. The library has been pending repairs since 1974. The library is very important to the Jamaicans because the library represents a symbol of education, culture, history, and independence.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Video Game Narrative Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Video Game Narrative   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first argument that arose out of the video game world was the debate of video game violence. Still unresolved, this debate has actually allowed for the video game industry to come fully into the main stream. As the din over violence quieted the fans of the game society began to focus on issues more akin to their own style. So then began the debate of game play vs. the video game narrative. The question arose; can a game also be a story? While the semantics would suggest that, no, a game cannot be a story, we do realize that a game can contain a story. However, considering the amount of games that contain a story we can surmise that this question doesn’t further our study, and realizing that the amount of games (mostly of the 1980’s) that had no story and only gameplay we can see that the story is not a required facet for a game to be successful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So the question is in need of updating. Is the story contained in today’s games the traditional linear story being contained in a non-linear gameplay arena, or do video game stories possess some special qualities that allow a game to be different from a book or movie. To understand the video game we need to look at one of the video game world’s ultimate predecessors: Dungeons and Dragons. Back in the time when teenage guys dressed up as the character that they had spent month after month making stronger, there existed no video games to fool with. No, this was how the nerds of the day hung out. And much like today, where we have â€Å"Halo bashes† of anywhere from 4 to 16 (16 being the average), the competition between warlock and dungeon master was only the beginning   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oakley 2 of the excitement. The story that played out in D&D was different every time, depending on how the game was played. And like it’s successor, the RPG’s of today (most notably the Final Fantasy series) play the same way as the games of old. So ... ...  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oakley 4 a necessity? And what other qualities have taken the main stage of video games today?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The video game world is an ever-changing realm, originally it was a staple way to pass the time, then it became what we looked forward to after a hard day’s work. So as the gaming world becomes more complex, new game types emerge to fill our free time. But very rarely does a game like Pac-Man or Pong come out; a game that has no real story in it, it’s just a way to score points. However it is my belief that even when there is no literal story to a multiplayer game we still have a background to the reason we compete. If one were to take the story of the Master Chief and the Covenant out of the game Halo (2001), we would still have a superb multiplayer game. On the outside it would seem that the only reason to play is to kill the other Spartans, there is no deeper story behind it. However, for the players at least, it becomes a contest, and as you play more and more you remember the other games; you want revenge, you want to be better, or you want to d o something funny.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Cisco’s It Implementation of an Organizational Change

Introduction Today’s world calls for a pressing need to utilize the I. T services and resources whilst reducing the cost in order to improve organizational wide productivity. There are many CEO’s of the business world today that suggest the top priority of an any organization is to possess the ability to develop a sense of new ideas and innovations. (Porter, Stern & Council on Competitiveness, 1999). The term â€Å"innovation† used by organization’s simply illustrates the invention of a new product, processes and systems that which are simply created to adapt to the constant change in markets, technologies as well as modes of competition. D’Aveni, 1994; Dougherty & Hardy, 1996; Utterback, 1994). Porras & Silvers (1991) also analyses the organizational change and its importance in the emerging contrast between Cisco IT Network and Data Centre Services (NDCS) which was switched from using a conventional organizational model to Cisco’s own lifec ycle model, along with substantial operations improvements across five various metrics. This contrast is sufficiently pervasive in recent work and sufficiently central in the conceptualization of change that has been used and it as the framework that organizes has review.This report will illustrate a framework aimed at managers that shows the process of innovation can be a managing change, service support and service performance within an organization. However, it is evident that managing the complex and the risky process of innovation has been proven to be problematic and laden with difficulty. (Kanter, 1989; Quinn, 1985). An extensive review based on relevant literature, supported by a development of logical and well justified arguments of the capability of innovation.We will also examine the methodology of CISCO Lifecycle in terms of behavior shift, transition process along with the successful innovations that contains the core elements and processes regardless of the industry or firm. High performing innovators are also able to harness this innovation meta-capability in order to achieve outstanding performance. An interview conducted by Dr Joseph Fiksel for the Journal of Sustainable Product Design claims that it is vital to not only understand how the process functions as well as gaining an understanding of the entire culture of the product development community.Dr Joseph debates that â€Å"product design developers tend to be arrogant but are however generally skillful and creative individuals possess strong engineering skills†. These individuals tend to be very suspicious of anyone who renders their services as well anyone who seems to come in their way to complicate their hectic lives. (Charter, 1998) Analysis of CISCO IT Lifecycle Methodology As for enterprise’s such Cisco whom are moving from the traditional technology (Silo-based organizational structure) to a lifecycle-based model will be a substantial improvement operation across fiv e various metrics. Lowe, 2009). This change will solve the issue of duplication and lack of focus across the organization. Stereotypically, most government classification schemes along with management and economics literatures considers services as anything that is not tangible, manufactured goods that are consumed as it is produced and sold. Take for instances, the industry that we use in this paper; software product business is classified as service business by the United States government’s standard under the classification scheme.Traditionally the development of ASIC’s within a company such as Cisco has been tightly coupled with the development of a single end product. However, the rising cost associated with development of high end ASIC’s has forced a behavior shift in the ASIC’s development process. Research findings â€Å"process view† and â€Å"integration† conducted by Seethamraju (2012). Though business processes have been subjecte d to a formal study via multiple perspectives for a period of time dating to the start of the industrial age. There processes were still not quite well understood and were left unmanaged and poorly executed. CISCO I.T could have implemented other methodologies such as Phased Methodology or Business Process Modeling (BPM). We have concluded that these methodologies have evolved through various stages from the early 1700’s as â€Å"division of labor†. This was when manufacturing first moved into factories from the cottage industry. These methodologies is not only executed by conventional business but is tailored for all sorts of organizations such as government agencies, departments, charities, mutual and cooperatives as well as many others. An example that can be used is the â€Å"Six Sigma† was first developed by Motorola Inc, in the mid 1980’s.This methodology provides extensive â€Å"Six Sigma† training and consultancy services. Accordng to Motor ola I. T â€Å"Six Sigma is a highly disciplined process that helps us focus on developing and delivering close to perfect products and services. This system drives clarity around business strategies and the metrics that reflect success with strategy. Through experience, Motorola has learned that discipline use of metrics and applications of this methodology is still not sufficient to drive a desired breakthrough for improvements and results that are sustainable over a period of time.Discuss the insight and learning’s from the case that you consider could be applied to your own situation. Before proceeding further to a methodology that I may apply to my own case scenario, I will first examine my strength and limitations. After carefully considering the challenges I might incur, different techniques have been used in order to generate more accurate customer information and the insight to their problems. A major approach to gain a better understanding of customer needs has be lead-user innovation. (Von Hippel, Thomke & Sonnack, 1999).However, I find that the lack of metrics and ineffective measurements will be the perfect method to be applied in these circumstances. As the global increase of competitive advantages on how business are conducted, Information technology has become an increasingly important tool especially with I. T service industries such as CISCO, where productivity could be enhanced by using the efficient resources made available by reducing cost. During the initial stages, CISCO was using a traditional silo-ed organizational structure in which staffs are involved in doing both the implementation and operational work.The difference between the traditional, heavily statist system and the unequal liberal system is that both are equally inefficient when providing the public goods or services. Various authors (Jenson 2004, Levesque et al. 2005) point to the silent reconfiguration of the welfare state which started two decades ago under the in fluence of NGOs, associations, the community sector and the third sector. The limitations under this structure are duplications of work by staffs and the lack of a clear focus. These factors have further influenced the company to search for an alternative structure that would be compatible with its standards.Cisco advanced service’ Network Availability Improvement Service organization (NAIS) was asked to identify areas that require changes along with making recommendations on how this can be achieved. NAIS uses Operational Risk Management Analysis to assess people, process and tools that limit operational risk. Thus, a clear roadmap for operational excellence is designed to improve best practices (Chan, & Mauborgne, 1997). This can also be used in any organization at any level of process work. While it's particularly useful for handling large-scale process redesigning, it is also useful when working on a single process.Through this process the traditional organizational struc ture was changed to Cisco’s Lifecycle structure which later proved to be more efficient and effective. (Behrendt, 1997) According to the Life Cycle Design principles, interdisciplinary teamwork of multi stakeholders is essential in life cycle design. Interdisciplinary cooperation in a complex problem or task like Life Cycle Design, that includes different aspects, demands active participation and involvement of different specialists in order to succeed in the effective implementation of product life cycle design.How will you apply these insights and learning’s in your current or future endeavors as a manager? Through the implementation Cisco’s lifecycle methodology which helps solves the business problems comprises of six lifecycle processes in which each stage articulates concepts in broader views. (Clegg, 1999). Through this new structure in place the organization first determines its financial strengths before new projects are accepted and the implications in the near future regardless whether the organization has the resources to handle the technology.My opinion calls for the needs of managers to coordinate daily operations in which will cultivate innovation and change within their companies. However, the need to manage competencies is often viewed as a hindrance in the development of successful innovations. Activities such as manufacturing and marketing are seen as the key to current success with organizational processes built around stability, efficiency and profitability in generating a cash flow.Processes that are developed such as â€Å"programming† mainstream business units to perform routines, formalize structures and also not to think outside the box (Starbuck, 1983). An eloquent business design which entails business goals and technical requisites would foster a high performance service delivery. Staff skill improvements are important as it enhances the productivity and reduces excessive wastage. This new model also hel ps the organization in reducing its operating expenses and at the same time helps maintain the enhanced performance of service delivery and proactively responding to corresponding events happening.Teece & Pisano (1994) suggest that further development of the area proposing dynamic capabilities theories such as â€Å"subset of the competences and capabilities will allow the firm to create new products, processes and respond to the changing market. A continuous improvement in every aspect of the organization is very critical to its survival as there is a highly competitive market. There should be optimal utilization of resources and advantages. Give your strengths and limitations, what might be the challenges for you in applying these insights and how could you try to meet these challenges?It is highly noted that a behavioral shift of Cisco’s traditional structure to the new lifecycle model has increased the competitive advantage of the company amongst its competitors in the m arket. This shift would have a very significant effect both within employees (internally) and customers (externally). Tidd, et al. (2001). An approach of creative techniques for problem solving can further be utilized to exploit all avenues of defect, where all issues would be firmly accessed and analyzed with the required manner and tools.Addressing the observed limitations of life cycle approaches and how I might face the challenges of today, I will consider both the analytical and the practical approaches in which I think has room improvement. Firstly I will improve the coverage of impacts, and the reliability, accessibility and practical applicability; by doing so it will make the results easier in practice. A life cycle analysis program was designed to which specific structural and material information is used for the comparison of a set of alternatives design material modification schemes (Bahia et al. 2012) this can also lead to a release of fumes during mixing and laying dow n processes (Miller & Bahia, 2009). Allowing results to be seen in the future with a balanced view by weighing your organization's desires against competitive realities. The best possible decision that can be achieved here to obtain maximum results can be achieved using limited resources that are made available. The new Cisco lifecycle methodology is an appropriate tool where other businesses can transform their operational structure from the conventional structure to a more result orientated structure.These methodologies are said to be tailored to suit all businesses due to its comprehensive and broad analysis of events carried out within the organizational structure. This methodology can also provide clear focus and distention of work in which every employee or department is to carry out. The efficiency of service has well improved as there is a timely intervention of any problem by the staffs with the required skills and expertise thus the standard tools are at their disposal. Th erefore, it can be recommended to other businesses that are having problems with their traditional structure to adapt to the Cisco lifecycle methodology.Conclusion What we have discussed here are the most common used in business today, even as organization look forward in the ability to develop new ideas and innovation and still new products, processes and system required for adapting to changing markets, technologies and modes of competition, as managers show that innovation can be managing change in service support and service performance within organizations. But this process of innovation can be risky. This paper report illustrates a logical view in terms of behavioral shift in the methodology of CISCO IT Lifecycle and its transition process regardless of the industry or firm.This methodology does not only illustrates how the process functions but it also helps us to gain a better understanding of the whole culture of product development community reaffirming the argument that p roduct design developers are arrogant however are generally talented and are creative individuals References Andriopoulos, C. & Lowe, A. (2000). ‘Enhancing organizational creativity: the process of perpetual challenging’. Management Decision. Behrendt S. , Jasch Chr. , Peneda M. C. , H. van Weenen (1997), Life Cycle Design: A Manual for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Institute fur Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung, SpringerCharter, M. (1998), The Journal of Sustainable Product Design, interview with Dr Joseph Fiksel, April 1998, p. 49-52 Chan, K. W. & Mauborgne, R. 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Friday, November 8, 2019

Gift Giving Essays - Simple Living, Giving, Gift, Free Essays

Gift Giving Essays - Simple Living, Giving, Gift, Free Essays Gift Giving Some people think that a birthday present must be a surprise. Others prefer to hint or let their friends and relatives know what they would like to get as a present. Essay | - Recieving birthday gifts is an antient tradition. Almost all people like it. At the same time, some people think that present must be a surprise and others consider that a person who are presented with a gift should remain in ignorance. To my mind, I support the first opinion, because a like surprises. Firstly, I think that the feel of curiosity and excitement is the main part of any present. It gives me a lot of positive emotions when I open a gift from somebody. Secondly, getting gifts we can see how many people really know us. Meanwhile, there is an opposite opinion to presented above. Supporters of it believe that everybody should know what kind of present he get. They claim that the most important thing in the gift is its practicality. I completely disagree with this statement, because I consider that the most important part of the gift is getting positive emotions. To sum up, I strongly believe that a birthday present should always remain a surprise, because the main thing is to make a presented person happy .

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

If You Cant Find the Stories You Want to Read, Write Them Yourself

If You Cant Find the Stories You Want to Read, Write Them Yourself If You Can't Find the Stories You Want to Read, Write Them Yourself Shaz Kahng features in the first season of Reedsy's self-publishing podcast, Bestseller. She has worked as a research scientist, a global consulting partner, a builder of e-businesses, a brand strategist, and has led teams in several male-dominated industries. When she noticed that strong female business leaders were missing from both her career and modern fiction, she decided to fill the gap. In this article, she talks about the struggle to traditionally publish a novel deemed "market-unfriendly," and how self-publishing has given her control over her bad-ass female characters. 3) That being said, remember the importance of professionals A critical aspect of bringing my book to life was designing a compelling cover that would stand out. For that, I was fortunate enough to connect with Reedsy cover designer, Mark Thomas. I provided a design brief to Mark with the objective of having a visually striking but simple cover that conveyed the idea of the story. I did have an idea in my mind of what the cover might look like, but as we went through the design process, Mark offered up several intriguing concepts and we ended up with something far different and far better than I could have imagined. With Reedsy, I felt like I was building my own publishing team with great talents like Mark, and I absolutely enjoyed our collaboration.4) Consider all the benefits of self-publishing After speaking with other authors of self-published books (some of whom were traditionally published first), two main benefits were touted: control over your content and every aspect of how your book comes to market, and speed - it’s certainly way faster than traditionally published books. #Selfpub tip: know your target market better than anyone. The Closer has only been out for about a month, but it has gotten stellar reviews from people who are not even related to me, and I’m happy to report that my book sales have been very strong. I’m optimistic about the novel’s potential, but most importantly: I was able to bring it to the world in the way I wanted, allowing me to rebel against the traditional path and the suggestions that would have diminished the quality of my book. Self-publishing let me keep my vision intact, control my content and cover, and allowed me to get The Closer to market quickly.The Closer is available in paperback and on Amazon Kindle.Please share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for Shaz Kahng in the comments below!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Using SAP in Electronic Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Using SAP in Electronic Government - Essay Example The study finds that immediate concerns are technical in nature, including weakness in the IT infrastructure, lack of knowledge, inadequacy in security and privacy of information, and lack of training of personnel. In the longer term, socio-cultural factors and a governance system that allows for e-Democracy are salient factors. For now, SAP assistance and programs promise to contribute much towards the technical and structural foundation of a robust e-government system. The impetus to develop e-government capability is a primary concern of all nations, particularly the member states of the United Nations, which has made it a priority initiative. Saudi Arabia is expected to play a pivotal role in e-government establishment in the Middle East region, not in small part due to the UN assessment that it is one of the more advanced Arab nations in information and communications technology (ICT). The business sector has long forged ahead in ICT applications, and further development of the nation necessitates the adoption of ICT in making the government more responsive and interactive with the citizenry and business sector. The challenges that tend to impede e-government development must be first addressed in order for efforts to be successful. The main purpose of this research consists of three axes. First, the definition of SAP and its characteristics. Second, identify the E-Government and know its components. Moreover, identify the challenges that facing e-government. Finally, the role of SAP in reducing these challenges and the development of e-government shall be discussed. The Systems Application Products (SAP) portfolio is a modular system, meaning that the software is packaged separately according to its various functions. The modular feature of this system allows it a great amount of versatility, making it suitable for application in small and medium scale enterprises, large-scale business corporations, and even

Friday, November 1, 2019

Death Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Death Syndrome - Essay Example Among such conditions is what is generally termed as the sudden death syndrome (SDS). This notion pertains to a bunch of different medical cases that may be associated with various causes. What is important, though, is that to SDS are susceptible young people who have previously manifested no visible disturbing symptoms that would suggest that such incidents might happen. In this regard, it is perhaps the most important task for the medical establishment to target the younger part of the general public in order to inform it about the risks associated with SDS. More specifically, drinking, as one of the most prevalent types of harmful behavior in young adults that may be linked with SDS, should be specifically addressed with the hope to decrease the teenage abuse of alcohol. Let us take a look at what forms SDS may take, and try to see why the investigation of the linkage between SDS and teenage drinking is important to researchers. As we have mentioned, SDS is the term that may be used to cover a wide range of incidents of unexpected non-traumatic and non-violent deaths due to natural causes. In fact, cases of SDS affect people with such diverse illnesses as epilepsy (such epilepsy related deaths are termed Sudden Unexpected and Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) (Lathers and Schraeder, 1990) and Fatty Liver Syndrome (FLS) of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic origin (Randall, 1980). As shown by research, even young athletes have something to fear, as some of them, mostly males according to statistics, fall victim of sudden deaths due to hard to detect heart diseases (Testa, 2006), and while different types of cardiovascular disease may be uncovered postmortem, any such death is quite disturbing. But perhaps the most perplexing, due to the apparent lack of underlying pathologies, type of heart-related sudden deaths is associated with Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome (SADS), which is a disorder of the hearts e lectrical system capable of killing seemingly healthy individuals without warning. SADS is also known as Long QT Syndrome. This syndrome interferes with the length of time between the onset of the Q wave and the end of the T wave in the electrical cycle of the heart called QT interval, which is needed for the recharge of the hearts electrical system after a heartbeat. People with a prolonged QT interval are more likely to develop an abnormally fast hearth rhythm called arrhythmia. When this happens, blood cannot flow from the heart, and the person can lose consciousness and may suddenly die as the result of the brain deprivation of blood. It is currently known that this dysfunction has its roots in an abnormality of protein structures of cells in the heart referred to as ion channels. These cells indeed serve as the channels that control the flow of such ions as sodium, calcium, and potassium. It is the pattern of the inflow and outflow of these ions that generates the hearts electr ical activity. It is also known that dysfunctions of these channels may be acquired, for example due to the effect of some medicines, or inborn, when a mutation in one of the genes responsible for the formation of channels occurs. In this respect, it is unknown exactly which inherited defects lay ground for different types of arrhythmias. For instance, it is thought by some researches that cases of SUDEP also work by inducing

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Article # 3 (due 9-28) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Article # 3 (due 9-28) - Essay Example the onset of accounting leases rule, the financial management department has been able to prepare the balance sheet and maintain financial records without including the lease assets. The financial lease is efficient for health care providers who are still developing and cannot afford sophisticated equipment. The leasing process requires that an outside party undertakes in the process. With the current rule, the health care providers can finance the project without involving a third party. The financial lease has a positive impact on the organization since the health care provider according to James and Aaron (2012) can grow technologically by leasing medical equipments and machinery which are costly. The lease is also advantageous since it helps health care providers to gain geographically efficient developers, and through the program, finance and get ownership of medical facilities. The leasing program assists the health care providers reduces the pressure in the operation of the organization. On a negative perspective, the lease program may negatively impact on the leasing process in regard to geographical print and the financial activities (James and Aaron, 2012). This is because the health care executives scrutinize and over- analyzes the operations of the

Monday, October 28, 2019

The accurate assessment of blood pressure Essay Example for Free

The accurate assessment of blood pressure Essay The accurate assessment of blood pressure is a critical way to develop the appropriate treatment plan and monitor its course during the process of medical intervention. Blood pressure can be measured three different ways, including the insertion of a catheter into the artery, manually, and automatically. The most common way to assess blood pressure in hospitalized patients is through the use of automatic blood pressure measurement devices. The accuracy of these devices has been questioned in the past, but manufacturers have responded with numerous changes. This study sought to examine the usefulness of these automatic devices. This research compared the automatic and manual blood pressure measurements of 126 patients from a community hospital. Caution was exercised to standardize the procedures and randomize the assignment of the participants to each of the two treatment groups. A number of statistical analyses were utilized to compare the measurements, determine differences, and estimate the accuracy of each assessment approach. A significant difference between manual and automatic assessment was found in the systolic blood pressure measurement. No significant differences were found between the groups for pulse rates or diastolic blood pressure measures. One graphing technique, however, indicated significant differences in all three components of blood pressure measurement. The overall conclusion from this study states that the attempts by manufacturers to improve the accuracy of automatic blood pressure devices have failed to render these machines equal to manual methods. The application of this study’s finding have great value for a number of various clinical settings. Blood pressure measurement is frequently an integral aspect of assessing a patient’s level of health. The importance of training staff to accurately assess this degree of bodily functioning cannot be overstated. The cumulative effect of multiple well-trained medical professionals frequently conducting manual blood pressure measurements appears to be the best course of action to obtain accurate results. Whenever possible, manual blood pressure assessment should be used in place of or to verify the findings of automatic devices.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Spider Silk is the Material of the Future Essay -- Material Silk

Spider Silk - the Material of the Future Abstract: Spider silk is well known for its strength yet elastic nature, and for this reason scientists and engineers from a wide variety of fields have begun researching its structure and the possibility and methods of synthesizing spider silk for industrial use. However, extraction of silk from spiders is not cost effective, so most research is focused on synthesis of spider silk either chemically or using DNA recombinant technology. Although research is still at an early stage and ongoing, it is only a matter of time before spider silk can be successfully synthesized for industrial use. Results: Nature is truly a master architect. With relatively few raw materials, it is able to create a diverse array of biological life forms and biological materials essential for the survival of all life forms on earth. Some of Nature’s materials continue to amaze scientists and exceed the characteristics of artificial materials. One such material is spider silk. Spiders rely on their silk for a variety of functions, and their silk are exceptionally light, tough, stiff, and extensible even when compared to the strongest synthetic materials. Each family of spider spins different types of silk, but silk from the Nephila Clavipes (the golden orb-weaving spider) (see Figure 1: Nephila Clavipes figure 1) and Araneus diadematus (common garden spider) are the strongest among spiders, and have been the focus of scientists’ research in recent years.[5] Orb weaving spiders produce various types of silk from seven different glands. Dragline and Viscid silk fibers are the strongest silk produced by orb weaving spiders, and are the most closely studied. Dragline silk is used to make the ra... ...&version=1.0>. [8] Tirrell, David A. "Putting a new spin on spider silk. " Science. 271.n5245 (Jan 5, 1996): 39(2). Expanded Academic ASAP. Gale. Phillips Academy. 24 July 2008 s&type=retrieve&tabID=T002&prodId=EAIM&docId=A17812077&source=gale&srcprod=E AIM&userGroupName=mlin_n_phillips&version=1.0>. Pictures Sources: Figure 1: July 30, 2008. Figure 2: Royal Society of Chemistry. July 30, 2008. Figure 3: MCAT. July 30, 2008. Figure 4: Citizendium July 30, 2008. Figure 5: July 30, 2008. Spider Silk is the Material of the Future Essay -- Material Silk Spider Silk - the Material of the Future Abstract: Spider silk is well known for its strength yet elastic nature, and for this reason scientists and engineers from a wide variety of fields have begun researching its structure and the possibility and methods of synthesizing spider silk for industrial use. However, extraction of silk from spiders is not cost effective, so most research is focused on synthesis of spider silk either chemically or using DNA recombinant technology. Although research is still at an early stage and ongoing, it is only a matter of time before spider silk can be successfully synthesized for industrial use. Results: Nature is truly a master architect. With relatively few raw materials, it is able to create a diverse array of biological life forms and biological materials essential for the survival of all life forms on earth. Some of Nature’s materials continue to amaze scientists and exceed the characteristics of artificial materials. One such material is spider silk. Spiders rely on their silk for a variety of functions, and their silk are exceptionally light, tough, stiff, and extensible even when compared to the strongest synthetic materials. Each family of spider spins different types of silk, but silk from the Nephila Clavipes (the golden orb-weaving spider) (see Figure 1: Nephila Clavipes figure 1) and Araneus diadematus (common garden spider) are the strongest among spiders, and have been the focus of scientists’ research in recent years.[5] Orb weaving spiders produce various types of silk from seven different glands. Dragline and Viscid silk fibers are the strongest silk produced by orb weaving spiders, and are the most closely studied. Dragline silk is used to make the ra... ...&version=1.0>. [8] Tirrell, David A. "Putting a new spin on spider silk. " Science. 271.n5245 (Jan 5, 1996): 39(2). Expanded Academic ASAP. Gale. Phillips Academy. 24 July 2008 s&type=retrieve&tabID=T002&prodId=EAIM&docId=A17812077&source=gale&srcprod=E AIM&userGroupName=mlin_n_phillips&version=1.0>. Pictures Sources: Figure 1: July 30, 2008. Figure 2: Royal Society of Chemistry. July 30, 2008. Figure 3: MCAT. July 30, 2008. Figure 4: Citizendium July 30, 2008. Figure 5: July 30, 2008.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Life without language: all the ideas, thoughts, and emotions present, but unable to be expressed. This is how I picture my grandfather when he first Immigrated to America with my grandmother and their nine children. Lost, he wanders around, hoping to bump into someone who can understand him. He raises his own children to know Vietnamese and hopes his future grandchildren would also be connected to the language of their ancestors. But when I form my lips into unnatural shapes to speak these words, they come out pathetically.I cannot speak Vietnamese. As a child, the conversations between me and my grandfather consisted of feeble attempts at speaking each others language. Only a couple of familiar words could momentarily break the wall that divided us. Whenever I visited his house, I exchanged a shaky â€Å"Choc Eng† for his heavily accented â€Å"He-Ill,† and ran off before the shame from my inability to understand could affect me. At the time, I was unaware of the synch ronized rhythm that beats in the hearts of me, my father, and my grandfather.My grandfather loves playing the violin. Although he is not classically rained and can hardly keep a beat, he loves It and I can sense It every time he plays. When my family came to America, my father struggled to adjust as any teenage immigrant would. Vietnamese was confined to his family's home and English was difficult to learn, so instead, he picked up the guitar and taught himself how to play â€Å"Yesterday' by the Beetles. Forty years later, he claims he still cannot get it down perfectly.On the piano in our living room, he sings in broken English†¦ â€Å"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away†¦ † Like my grandfather, music Is a part of my father's design. By the unchangeable threads of heredity, I was also fated to have a connection to music. Just Like them. And it was music that could break the language barrier between me and my grandfather. A single sheet of music sat in f ront of me. It was a beautiful piece, no doubt, but we, the All-State Senior Band, were playing it without any emotion.After a couple of unsuccessful run-troughs of this piece entitled â€Å"Hometown,† our guest conductor Samuel Hazy told us to look at measure thirty-three, reflect on a personal memory that reminded us of that part, and write about It right there on our sheet USIA. Soon after instructing us to do the same In the other parts of the piece, everyone's sheet music was filled with our lives in the form of tiny scribbles between the lines of melodies. When we played the piece again, we were finally able to â€Å"sing our life stories,† as Mr..Hazy would call it. Every musical phrase became a vessel for retelling our most precious memories: stories of first loves and recollections of childhood memories. No one had to say a single word. There In the music, I finally spoke to my grandparents. As I played measure thirty-three, I pictured them slating here on tha t boat in the middle of the ocean, holding onto a faint glimmer of hope for a new life in America, looking for their own new â€Å"hometown. I said â€Å"thank you† for their courage to come to the strange and unknown America and â€Å"sorry for being unable to speak Vietnamese. After the concert that night, I received a bigger hug than usual from them and I knew that they had heard and understood me. Being a part of a family and culture Is more than Just knowing the language. Emotions are enough to Vietnamese, the language of our origin, English, the language of our new home, and music to connect everything together.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Machine Learning

Journal of Machine Learning Research 18(2017)1-29 Submitted 6/14; Revised 10/sixteen; posted 1/17 Content Mining a New Technique in Data MiningUsman Ahmad Urfi [email  protected] UniversityMphil cs (1st) , F-17-3224Editor: Usman Ahmad Urfi Abstractstatistics mining is the gaining knowledge of revelation in databases and the gaol is to cut up examples and data from masses of facts. The essential term in facts mining is content mining. Content material fabric mining removes the pleasant facts pretty from content cloth. Real instance getting to know is carried out to first rate records. Excessive – satisfactory in content fabric mining characterizes the blends of significance, curiosity and intriguing awesome. Undertakings in content material cloth mining are content affiliation, content grouping, detail extraction and slant exam. Utilizations of ordinary dialect preparing and scientific strategies are very favored to convert content material into information for investigation. This study is ready the one of a kind techniques and calculations applied as a part of content material mining. Key phrases: data mining, text mining, gaining knowledge of disclosure Introductioncontent material fabric mining is to deal with found out information. Revealed records is unstructured, vague and control is tough. Content material digging is excellent technique for facts exchange. A non-conventional information restoration methodology is implemented as part of content material mining. For getting statistics from massive association of literary information which become finished through the content material mining. The figure1 is described with the method of content material mining. As of late, dialect exam may be shown improvement over the man or woman. The guide techniques had been costly and tedious method. To perform this purpose of content fabric mining, there are unique advances are sent. The enhancements are information extraction, outline, subject matter following, order and bunching. Mastering Discovery from text (KDT) [6] is one of the issues to deduce sure and unique thoughts .Natural Language Processing (NLP) [8, 13] strategies are carried out to find out the semantic circle of relatives participants between mind. Amazing diploma of content cloth statistics is accounted via the studying revelation. Data Discovery from textual content (KDT) is produced from herbal Language Processing (NLP), whole the strategies from gaining knowledge of management. Disclosure way is conveyed for the rest. KDT assumes a logically noteworthy detail in inclining applications, for instance, text expertise. §c 2017 Ishiguro, Sato and Ueda. License: CC-via four.0, see https://creativecommons.Org/licenses/by means of manner of/four.Zero/. Attribution necessities are furnished athttp://jmlr.Org/papers/v18/14-249.Html.HistoryThe content material cloth mining has numerous techniques to system the content material fabric. The principle structures are clarified proper here. 2.1 facts Extraction records extraction is an underlying boost for unstructured content breaking down [6]. Disentanglement of content material material is crafted by way of way of facts extraction. The crucial work is to apprehend expressions and reveals the relationship among them. It's far appropriate for the bulky length of content material cloth. It eliminates prepared statistics from unstructured information. The discern 2 clarifies the records extraction.ClusteringGrouping middle in the direction of the similitude measures around numerous questions and places, it has no predefined class marks. It isolate content material into one accumulating and further creates bunch of accumulating [4]. Phrases are disconnected rapidly and weights are alloted to each word. Rundown of commands are created through making use of bunching calculations in the wake of figuring likenesses.Eleganceaffiliation is to find the fundamental subject matter of archive via collectively with Meta and breaking down record. The take a look at of phrases and from that tally chooses the challenge be counted of the archive which turn out to be completed thru the characterization strategy. It has predefined elegance call. 3. LITERATURE SURVEY Yuefeng Li et al [13]: A text mining and characterization approach has been applied time period-based methodologies. The issues of polysemy and synonymy are one of the real troubles. There has been a hypothesis that example based strategies have to outflank remarkable evaluation with the term-primarily based completely ones in depicting consumer dispositions. A huge scale layout stays a difficult issue in content material mining. The cutting component term-based definitely techniques and the example based strategies in proposed display which performs productively. In this paintings fclustering calculation is carried out. Significance highlight disclosure in view of every high-quality and terrible criticism for content material mining models. Jian mama et al [4]: The creator centered inside the direction of the problem with the resource of arranging content material material critiques on proverbially, typically in English. On the factor while paintings with non-English dialect writings it activates the disallowance. Metaphysics based definitely content fabric mining approach has been utilized. Its efficient and effective to cluster check out guidelines typified with the English and chinese language writings utilising a SOM calculation. This technique may be prolonged to assist in searching through a superior in shape among suggestions and analysts. Chien-Liang Liu et al [2]: The paper reasoned that the information about the film rating relies upon on the effect of feeling grouping. The element based totally outlines are applied to provide consolidated depictions of motion picture audits. The author composed an inert semantic investigation (LSA) to installation object includes. It's miles an technique to decrease the extent of rundown from LSA. They account each exactness of supposition order and response time of a framework to plan the framework through the usage of using a bunching calculation. OpenNLP2 tool is applied for usage. Yue Hu et al [19]: PPSGen is every other framework which become proposed to asking for of the introduction slides been produced can be applied as drafts. It reasons them to set up the formal slides fasterly for the proprietor. PPSGen framework can perform slides with better nice advocated through the writer. The framework emerge as produced via using the Hierarchical agglomeration calculation. Apparatuses are a Microsoft electricity-component and OpenOffice. A two hundred combo of papers and slides are taken as assessments set from the internet exhibit for evaluation approach. PPSGen is further advanced to the benchmark strategies that had been obvious via manner of the patron keep in mind. Xiuzhen Zhang et al [10]: the trouble seemed with the resource of all of the notoriety framework is focused with the resource of the writer. However the notoriety scores are normally excessive for sellers. It's far a situation requiring wonderful exertion for promising customers to choose reliable dealers. Writer proposed CommTrust for agree with assessment thru enter feedback thru mining. A multidimensional do not forget show is applied for calculation work. Informational index are collected from ebay, amazon. In this approach applied a Lexical-LDA calculation. CommTrust can accurately address the exquisite notoriety problem and rank dealers are at ultimate by using way of demonstrating in reality thru the huge analyses on eBay and Amazon statistics. Dnyanesh G. Rajpathak et al [9]: The checking out errand is In-time enlargement of D-network via the locating of latest manifestations and sadness modes. Proposed method is to expand the blame finding metaphysics live with thoughts and connections each from time to time observed inside the blame evaluation area. The desired historical rarities and their situations from the unstructured restore verbatim content fabric were located with the aid of the philosophy. Actual information accumulated from the car place. Content material material mining calculations are carried out. To accumulate consequently the D-networks with the aid of manner of the unstructured restore verbatim facts that was mined finished through the metaphysics primarily based absolutely content fabric mining usual on the identical time as blame conclusion. A diagram and the chart examination calculations want to be produced for every D-community. JehoshuaEliashberg et al [11]: To discern the movies execution of a movement photograph on the crenulation factor, it is suitable really in the event that it holds the content material fabric and introduction charge. They extricate found out includes in three stages specifically kind and substance, semantics, and % of-phrases from contents using region statistics of screenwriting, enter given thru human, and regular dialect dealing with techniques. A chunk based totally totally technique is to survey film enterprise execution. Informational index are collected from 3 hundred movie taking snap shots contents. The proposed device predicts film organisation profits all of the extra exactly 29 percent is lessened mean squared mistake (MSE) contrasted with benchmark techniques. Donald E. Dark coloured et al [17]: Rail mishaps introduce photograph of a worthwhile nicely being factor for the transportation commercial employer in severa nations. The Federal Railroad administration desires the railways obfuscated in mishaps to post opinions. The record must be snuggled with default discipline sections and recollections. A mixture of structures is to clearly find mishap attributes that could train a advanced comprehension of the benefactor to the mischances. Wooded location calculation has been applied. Content material mining takes a gander at methods to extricate highlights from content cloth that exploits dialect characteristics specific to the rail delivery enterprise. Luà ­s Filipe da Cruz Nassif et al [6]: In criminological investigation that emerge as automated with a notable many statistics is commonly inspected. Unstructured content material material changed into determined in a big part of the facts acting breaking down way is fairly attempting out exposed with the aid of computer analysts. File bunching calculations for the examination of computer systems on medical workplace seized in police an examination which was advocated through the author. Collection of combo of parameters that activates incite of sixteen distinct calculations hold in thoughts for assessment. Good enough-implies, okay-medoids, unmarried, entire and average hyperlink, CSPA are the bunching calculation are implemented. Bunching calculations persuade to actuate agencies shaped by way of the usage of both big or unimportant file that is applied to decorate the master analyst's interest. Charu C. Aggarwal et al [5]: creator concentrated on using factor data for Mining textual content records. A effective bunching technique became completed by way of the use of the hooked up apportioning calculation with probabilistic fashions which modified into deliberate via the writer. Dataset utilized is CORA, DBLP-4-territory informational index and IMDB. Running time and type of organizations are applied as a parameter for breaking down cause. The results can apparent that the use of aspect-information can beautify the individual of content material bunching and order to control an amazing united states of america of skillability. 5. Diagrams 4.COMPARISONS ON awesome textual content MINING strategiestable number 1.26. Conclusioncontent material mining approach is preponderantly used for setting aside mode from unstructured facts . Records disclosure is primarily engaged at some stage in this assessment. The systems area social unit grouping, characterization, and cognition extraction and information instance become diagramed. The method of content cloth mining and the computing floor area unit further investigated. Throughout this paper absolutely excellent troubles area unit reviewed and their result vicinity unit talked regarding.Mining technique is dominantly implemented for putting aside mode from unstructured statistics . Records revelation is essentially related with amid this audit. The frameworks difficulty social unit amassing, portrayal, and comprehension extraction and records outline modified into graphed. The technique of substance mining and the processing floor place unit furthermore explored. Amid this paper very unexpected troubles area unit investigated and their final consequences zone unit talked concerning. References  R. Agrawal and R. Srikant. Quick calculations for mining affiliation policies. In court cases of the 20th global convention on Very big Databases (VLDB-ninety four), pages 487– 499, Santiago, Chile, Sept. 1994.R. Baeza-Yates and B. Ribeiro-Neto. Modern information Retrieval. ACM Press, big apple, 1999.S. Basu, R. J. Mooney, ok. V. Pasupuleti, and J. Ghosh. Assessing the oddity of content material mined rules utilising lexical information. In proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGKDD international assembly on understanding Discovery and statistics Mining (KDD-2001), pages 233– 239, San Francisco, CA, 2001.M. W. Berry, editorial supervisor. Strategies of the 1/three SIAM global conference on information Mining(SDM-2003) Workshop on textual content Mining, San Francisco, CA, might also 2003.M. E. Califf, editorial supervisor. Papers from the 16th country wide conference on artificial Intelligence (AAAI-ninety nine) Workshop on machine getting to know for statistics E xtraction, Orlando, FL, 1999. AAAI Press.